In lieu of sending Christmas cards to our clients for 2017 Ruddicks once again decided to make a donation to RSPCA Tasmania.
Vinnies CEO Sleepout 2017
27 Jul. 2017
Bob participated in the Vinnies CEO sleepout again this year. Bob holds the honour of the only person to have done the sleepout each year in Launceston since its inauguration in 2011. During this period through the kind donations of clients, staff and friends, Bob has raised over $25,000 for this cause.All funds raised in the Launceston sleepout th...
Ruddicks RSPCA Donation
21 Dec. 2016
In lieu of sending Christmas cards to our clients for 2016 Ruddicks once again decided to make a donation to RSPCA Tasmania.On Friday the 16th of December Daniel Newton and Emma Norris made their way to the launceston RSPCA shelter to present a cheque to the hard working staff there.While they were there they got the chance to meet two of the shelt...
Ruddicks celebrates it's 30th birthday!
19 Jul. 2016
1 July 2016 marked the 30th anniversary of the firm. Bob commenced the firm 1 July 1986 as a one man operation operating out of a single room premises with contracted secretarial services.
CA ANZ Certificate Presentation Ceremony
9 Mar. 2016
Ruddicks would like to congratulate Anna Stackhouse, Emma Van Duiven and Josh Van Zetten for successfully completing the Chartered Accountants program and being accepted as members of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Ruddicks donate to RSPCA
22 Dec. 2015
In lieu of sending Christmas cards to our clients for 2015 Ruddicks once again decided to make a donation to RSPCA Tasmania.
Bob Ruddick - University of Tasmania - Distinguished Business Leader Award
13 Oct. 2015
Ruddicks Chartered Accountants is excited to announce that our founding partner Bob Ruddick recently received the University of Tasmania Distinguished Business Leader Award. The new Dean of the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, Professor Chris Earley presented Bob with the award at a breakfast function in Launceston this month which refle...
Ruddicks Donate to RSPCA Tasmania
5 Jan. 2015
In lieu of sending Christmas cards to our clients for 2014 Ruddicks decided to make a donation to RSPCA Tasmania.
Julia Farrell – Launceston Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards – Young Professional of the Year 2014
27 Oct. 2014
It is with great pride and pleasure that Ruddicks announces that Julia Farrell, Manager, has been recognised by receiving the prestigious honour of Young Professional of the Year 2014 at the CGU Launceston Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards on Saturday 25th of October 2014.Julia won this Award from a very talented pool of applicants and...
Community and Sporting Organisation Information Session
28 Feb. 2014
Ruddicks Chartered Accountants, in conjunction with the Launceston Chamber of Commerce, invite you to a presentation focussing on tax implications and fiduciary duties for community and sporting organisations.