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Lyndal's 10 Year Anniversary

On the 28 November 2013 Ruddicks celebrated Lyndal's 10 year Anniversary with morning tea.

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Ruddicks Donate to RSPCA Tasmania in lieu of Christmas Cards

On the 18th December 2013, Lyndal Kimpton and Daniel Newton (our audit managers) visited the Launceston Shelter to present a cheque to the State Coordinator of Shelter Operations and Animal Care Centre Manager Launceston, Lorraine Hamilton.During their visit, Daniel and Lyndal also got to meet a couple of the puppies recently born at the Launceston...

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Scott's European Adventure

I have worked at Ruddicks for just over four years specialising in tax and business services. In October 2012 I completed my Chartered Accountants qualification and that was when I thought now was the perfect time to go travelling.

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Burnie Challenge - Mud Run

On Sunday 14 April 2013, 6 Ruddicks staff members plus a guest braved the overcast conditions to compete in the Burnie Challenge.

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Janine's 10 Year Anniversary

On Monday 17 June 2013, the staff at Ruddicks all came together in the boardroom to celebrate Janine's 10 years of employment.

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Craig's 15 Year Anniversary

At 10:30 am on Thursday 27 June 2013, something sneaky was happening at Ruddicks.

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Burnie Challenge - Mud Run

On arrival at Hellyer College they joined a sea of approximiately 1,100 fellow competitors. After stripping down to their Lycra (or shorts and t-shirts for some) they faced a 40 minute wait for their group of 100 to begin the course. Team Ruddicks were the fifth group to start and faced the starting gun just as the first competitors finished the co...

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